"The Bible Is a Critic
"the Word of God . . . is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4 :12 While the word "discern," frequently occurs in the Bible this is the only reference in which the peculiar Greek word Kritikos , from which is derived our English word critic , is used. The adjective used signifies that which relates to judging, fit for, or skilled in, judging; hence critical . The Bible is critical of our thoughts and intents, meaning, it's authority to discriminate and pass judgment on our thoughts and feelings. Because of the nature of the Bible the idea of it as our critic carries the promise of criticism which is just and deserved. Presumptuous men call themselves critics of the Bible and sit in judgment upon it. They forget that the Bible is the infallible critic of their actions. We recognize that Biblical Criticism is of two kinds. There are those devout Hebrew and Greek scholars who bow before the authority of Scripture and who, with much pat